Q & A
Dear customers and visitors of this website,


Here you can find frequently asked questions and answers based on our practice during the years we have served our clients in Bulgaria. If you cannot find the answer to your question (take a look at the left sidebar menu), please don´t hesitate to contact our team and we will be happy to address your question. Please keep in mind that the information provided in this section is not legal advice as it was prepared exclusively for general information purposes and might not be fully comprehensive or precise. You should neither act on the basis of this information nor prepare business plans and forecast without seeking a professional advice. If you need help you should get an advise from an attorney. We are not responsible for the accuracy of this information although we did our best in order to provide updated and relevant one. We cannot assist you with the legal or administrative processes in your home country. If you have any questions about the above information please don’t hesitate to contact us.